The annual land use and land cover maps are the result of the classification of generated Landsat mosaics. According to the logic proposed by MapBiomas, the maps will be updated whenever there is an improvement in the classification algorithms. The classification methodology is dynamic, aimed at perfecting the classification of each typology.
You can access Collection 1 of Land Cover and Use in the following ways:
1. Browse the maps and data platform of MapBiomas Chile:
2. Using Data Assets from Google Earth Engine, access the data assets with the following path: projects/mapbiomas-public/assets/chile/collection1/mapbiomas_chile_collection1_integration_v1
3. Download maps for each year using the following URL format, specifying the year you want to download. For example, for 2022:
For other years, simply change the final year in the link. Remember, Collection 1 is available from 2000 to 2022.
4. Download by Region, Province, Commune, and Watersheds, use the Toolkit prepared in Google Earth Engine [UNDER MAINTENANCE]. . To use this tool, you need a Google Earth Engine account (free).
- All data is in GeoTiff format and has LZW compression.
- You can consult the class codes in the Collection 1 document.
- The annual maps are consolidated into a single file where each band represents a year in the historical series (the 1st band corresponds to the first year of the series).