All MapBiomas products are constantly evolving and being updated. These products will be divided into several Collections as they are updated:

Collection 1 - released in April 2024 with a legend of 13 classes and covering the period 2000-2022.


MapBiomas Collection maps are an evolving product. When using the data, be sure to always use the latest version available.

MapBiomas maps are best applied at scales up to 1:100,000. Although it is possible to view them at a scale of 1:50,000, we do not recommend using them at this scale.


  • Land cover and land use maps. These are maps in matrix or raster format (30 m pixel). The legend of the maps and the period covered may vary between collections.
  • Satellite image mosaics for each year of the historical series with maximum spatial resolution of 30 m formed by compositing the representative pixels of each set of images of a location at a given time period (e.g. filtering out clouds). All dates of the year were considered for the generation of the mosaics. The mosaics contain 34 layers of information consisting of 6 reflectance bands (and some summary statistics) + 11 spectral indices (and some summary statistics) calculated from them. The mosaics can be visualized directly in Google Earth Engine. Two "periods" wet and dry were defined to separate 50% of the pixels with higher values and 50% of the pixels with lower values.
  • Web platform for public consultation with images, maps and statistics from MapBiomas Chile Collection 1.0.


  • Methodological notes explain the entire work method, including the specificities of each class.
  • Access and download tools in Google Earth Engine: allows you to access and download data from MapBiomas for different territorial sections.